
23 03, 2022

Report of the Secretariat on the Intersessional Review Cycle For Readiness Grants

23 March 2022|

23 03, 2022

Elements and Options for the Fund’s Medium-Term Strategy 2023 – 2027

23 March 2022|

23 03, 2022

AF-TERG Information Update on Phase One of the Thematic Evaluation of Innovation

23 March 2022|

22 03, 2022

Draft Evaluation Policy of the Adaptation Fund

22 March 2022|

22 03, 2022

Proposal for Niger

22 March 2022|

22 03, 2022

Lecciones aprendidas del proceso continuo de fortalecimiento de la capacidad de las entidades implementadoras mediante la reacreditación ante el Fondo de Adaptación

22 March 2022|

22 03, 2022

Leçons apprises du processus continu de renforcement des capacités des entités de mise en œuvre par a réaccréditation auprès du Fonds pour l’adaptation

22 March 2022|

22 03, 2022

Administrative Budgets of the Board and Secretariat, and Trustee for Fiscal Year 2023, and the AF-TERG and its Secretariat for Fiscal Years 2023-2024

22 March 2022|

21 03, 2022

Request for Changes of Original Targets for Outputs Indicators, Change in Executing Entities and Request for Direct Project Services: UN-Habitat (Jordan, Lebanon)

21 March 2022|

20 03, 2022

Options for a Policy or Guidelines to Further Enhance Civil Society Participation and Engagement in the Work of the Fund

20 March 2022|

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