
25 03, 2022

Report of the secretariat on initial screening/technical review of project and programme proposals

25 March 2022|

25 03, 2022

Update on strategic discussion on objectives and further steps of the Fund: Potential linkages between the Fund and the Green Climate Fund

25 March 2022|

25 03, 2022

Draft Resource Mobilization Strategy 2022-2025

25 March 2022|

24 03, 2022

Full Cost of Adaptation Reasoning and Co-Financing

24 March 2022|

24 03, 2022

Guidance to Implementing Entities for Application of Innovation Indicators for Fully Developed Project/Programme Proposals

24 March 2022|

24 03, 2022

Proposed Amendment of the Operational Policies and Guidelines for Parties to Access Resources from the Adaptation Fund (OPG)

24 March 2022|

24 03, 2022

Proposed Amendment of the Strategic Priorities, Policies, and Guidelines of the Adaptation Fund Adopted by the CMP (Annex 1 to the OPG)

24 March 2022|

24 03, 2022

Decisions of CMP16, CMA3 And COP26 Relating to the Adaptation Fund and the Relevant Matters to Be Considered by the Adaptation Fund Board

24 March 2022|

23 03, 2022

Request for Change of Project Outputs and Related Indicators, Budget Revision and Amendment of Disbursement Schedule: IFAD (Lebanon)

23 March 2022|

23 03, 2022

Adaptation Fund Trust Fund: Financial Report Prepared by the Trustee (As at 31 December 2021)

23 March 2022|

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