
30 03, 2022

Re-accreditation of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) as a Multilateral Implementing Entity (MIE) of the Adaptation Fund

30 March 2022|

29 03, 2022

Annotated Provisional Agenda

29 March 2022|

29 03, 2022

Adaptation Fund Board Members and Alternates

29 March 2022|

28 03, 2022

Analysis of the Issues Related to the Use of Unidentified Sub-Projects

28 March 2022|

28 03, 2022

Request for Changes of Original Outcome Targets and Indicators, Outputs, and Revision of Implementation Arrangements: CAF (Chile, Ecuador)

28 March 2022|

28 03, 2022

Clarification of regional implementation and execution costs

28 March 2022|

27 03, 2022

Trustee Presentation: Update of the Status of Resources and CER Monetization

27 March 2022|

27 03, 2022

Progress Update on Ex Post Evaluations and Emerging Lessons from Phase 2 (On-Going) Technical Evaluation Reference Group of The Adaptation Fund (AF-TERG)

27 March 2022|

27 03, 2022

Technical Evaluation Reference Group of the Adaptation Fund (AF-TERG) Work Update Report for Fiscal Year 2022 (FY22) and Forward Priorities (FY23)

27 March 2022|

27 03, 2022

Fiscal Years 2023 – 2024 Update to the Work Programme of the Adaptation Fund Technical Evaluation Reference Group (AF-TERG)

27 March 2022|

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