
12 05, 2024

Approval of direct project services and no-cost extension of the project completion date: OSS (Benin, Burkina Faso, Niger)

12 May 2024|

12 05, 2024

Approval of direct project services and no-cost extension of the project completion date: OSS (Benin, Burkina Faso, Niger)

12 May 2024|

11 05, 2024

Approval of request for no-cost extension of project completion date: UNDP (Tajikistan)

11 May 2024|

11 05, 2024

Approval of request for no-cost extension of project completion date: Kemitraan (Indonesia)

11 May 2024|

9 05, 2024

Incorporación de las cuestiones de género

9 May 2024|

9 05, 2024

Rapid Evaluation of the Adaptation Fund (edited version)

9 May 2024|

8 05, 2024

Revised Terms of Reference of the Technical Evaluation Reference Group of the Adaptation Fund

8 May 2024|

2 05, 2024

Fortalecimiento de la resiliencia a través de intervenciones para la reducción del riesgo de desastres y de sistemas de alerta temprana: Experiencias y lecciones aprendidas de la cartera del Fondo de Adaptación

2 May 2024|

30 04, 2024

Request for no-cost extension of project completion date: OSS (Djibouti, Kenya, Sudan, Uganda)

30 April 2024|

30 04, 2024

Request for direct project services and no-cost extension of project completion date: OSS (Benin, Burkina Faso, Niger)

30 April 2024|

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