Project/Programme Review Committee (PPRC)

25 03, 2024

Proposal for Zimbabwe

25 March 2024|

25 03, 2024

Proposal for Benin

25 March 2024|

25 03, 2024

Proposal for Belize

25 March 2024|

25 03, 2024

Provisional Agenda

25 March 2024|

4 12, 2023

Recommendations of the PPRC on Readiness Grant Proposals

4 December 2023|

27 11, 2023

Readiness package grant proposal to support national implementing entity accreditation for Kenya

27 November 2023|

27 11, 2023

Report of the secretariat on initial screening/technical review of grant proposals under the readiness programme

27 November 2023|

9 10, 2023

Full Cost of Adaptation Reasoning

9 October 2023|

6 10, 2023

Terms of Reference for the Establishment of the Adaptation Fund Technical Advisory Body for Innovation

6 October 2023|

4 10, 2023

Proposed adjustments to implementation fees and execution costs

4 October 2023|

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