Project/Programme Review Committee (PPRC)

7 06, 2018

Recommendations of the project and programme review committee on the readiness proposal considered during the intersessional period between the 31st and 32nd meetings of the Board

7 June 2018|

30 05, 2018

Proposal to provide NIE accreditation support services in Burundi and Mali (Readiness Support Package Grant)

30 May 2018|

9 04, 2018

Report of the Twenty-second Meeting of the Project and Programme Review Committee

9 April 2018|

14 03, 2018

Report of the Secretariat on the Intersessional Review Cycle for Readiness Grants

14 March 2018|

13 03, 2018

Cost-effectiveness of Options for Arranging Post-implementation Learning and Impact Evaluation of Adaptation Fund Projects and Programmes

13 March 2018|

13 03, 2018

Report of the secretariat on initial screening technical review

13 March 2018|

13 03, 2018

Request for change of programme outcome, output and related indicators- Jamaica (PIOJ)

13 March 2018|

12 03, 2018

Proposal for Ecuador

12 March 2018|

12 03, 2018

Proposal for Chile and Ecuador

12 March 2018|

12 03, 2018

Project Formulation Grant for Cote D’Ivoire and Ghana

12 March 2018|

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