Project/Programme Review Committee (PPRC)

6 11, 2020

Report of the secretariat on initial screening-technical review for readiness grants

6 November 2020|

6 11, 2020

TA-ESGP Grant proposal for Cote d’Ivoire (FIRCA)

6 November 2020|

6 11, 2020

TA-ESGP Grant proposal for Mexico (IMTA)

6 November 2020|

6 11, 2020

TA-GP Grant proposal for Benin (FNEC)

6 November 2020|

22 10, 2020

Report of the Twenty-six Meeting of the Project and Programme Review Committee

22 October 2020|

9 10, 2020

Large grants for innovation

9 October 2020|

9 10, 2020

Options for further defining innovation in adaptation

9 October 2020|

9 10, 2020

Window for Enhanced Direct Access under the MTS

9 October 2020|

8 10, 2020

Report of the secretariat on the intersessional review cycle for readiness grants

8 October 2020|

8 10, 2020

Provisional Agenda

8 October 2020|

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