Intersessional Decisions

3 05, 2022

Approval of Changes of Original Outcome Targets and Indicators, Outputs, and Revision of Implementation Arrangements: CAF (Chile, Ecuador)

3 May 2022|

3 05, 2022

Approval of Change of Project Outputs and Related Indicators, Budget Revision and Amendment of Disbursement Schedule: IFAD (Lebanon)

3 May 2022|

31 03, 2022

Approval of no cost extension of project completion date: Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda (WMO)

31 March 2022|

31 03, 2022

Updates to the Readiness Package Proposal and review templates and Decision on Grant Proposals

31 March 2022|

31 03, 2022

Appointment of Member representing Asia-Pacific States

31 March 2022|

30 03, 2022

Re-accreditation of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) as a Multilateral Implementing Entity (MIE) of the Adaptation Fund

30 March 2022|

1 03, 2022

Organization of the thirty-eighth meeting of the Adaptation Fund Board

1 March 2022|

24 02, 2022

Approval of Proposal for Malaysia

24 February 2022|

24 02, 2022

Approval of Proposal for Côte d’Ivoire

24 February 2022|

24 02, 2022

Approval of Proposal for Haiti

24 February 2022|

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