Intersessional Decisions

10 05, 2023

Approval of request for change of project pilot sites: Central Asia (UNESCO)

10 May 2023|

12 04, 2023

Approval of request for revision of disbursement schedule: Special Financing Window in Support of Innovation for Adaptation (UNEP)

12 April 2023|

17 03, 2023

Approval of request for provision of direct project services: Chile Colombia Peru (WMO)

17 March 2023|

13 03, 2023

India, Sri Lanka: Strengthening Resilience of Vulnerable Communities in Sri Lanka and India to Increased Impacts of Climate Change

13 March 2023|

13 03, 2023

Sri Lanka: Build Resilience to Climate Change and Climate Variability of Vulnerable Communities in Mullaitivu District of Sri Lanka

13 March 2023|

2 03, 2023

Re-accreditation of the Environmental Project Implementation Unit (EPIU), Armenia as a National Implementing Entity (NIE) of the Adaptation Fund

2 March 2023|

8 02, 2023

Approval of Readiness Package grant for Zambia

8 February 2023|

8 02, 2023

Approval of Readiness Package Grant for Cameroon

8 February 2023|

8 02, 2023

Approval of request for minor revisions to project implementation arrangements: Bhutan (BTFEC)

8 February 2023|

2 02, 2023

Election of the Vice-Chair of the Accreditation Panel

2 February 2023|

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