Intersessional Decisions

11 05, 2020

Approval of no cost extension of project completion date: Egypt (WFP)

11 May 2020|

11 05, 2020

Legal agreement template for Small Innovation Grant

11 May 2020|

29 04, 2020

Accreditation of the Interprofessional Fund for Agricultural Research and Advice of Côte d’Ivoire as National Implementing Entity

29 April 2020|

20 04, 2020

Approval of no cost extension of project completion date: Jordan (MOPIC)

20 April 2020|

2 04, 2020

Approval of No Cost Extension of Project Completion Date: Seychelles (UNDP)

2 April 2020|

27 03, 2020

Organization of meeting of the Adaptation Fund Board during March – June 2020

27 March 2020|

26 03, 2020

Election of officers for the next period of office

26 March 2020|

24 03, 2020

Fast Track Re-accreditation of the National Fund for Environment and Climate of Benin (FNEC) as National Implementing Entity

24 March 2020|

12 03, 2020

Amendments to legal agreement templates for readiness grants

12 March 2020|

9 03, 2020

Legal Agreement Template For MIE Aggregator Programme

9 March 2020|

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