Intersessional Decisions

14 09, 2020

Fast Track Re-accreditation of the Corporación Andina de Fomento (CAF) as a Regional Implementing Entity (RIE)

14 September 2020|

9 09, 2020

Approval of no cost extension of project completion date: Lebanon (IFAD)

9 September 2020|

3 09, 2020

Approval of request for a change in project output and executing entity: Mongolia (UN-Habitat)

3 September 2020|

3 09, 2020

Appointment of Member representing Asia-Pacific States

3 September 2020|

7 08, 2020

Approval of Ad Interim Review Process to Consider First Time Submission Proposals and Small Grant Proposals in an Intersessional Project Review Cycle

7 August 2020|

30 07, 2020

Approval of no cost extension of project completion date: Mauritius (UNDP)

30 July 2020|

29 07, 2020

Management Response to the Overall Evaluation of the Fund – Second Phase

29 July 2020|

21 07, 2020

Approval of request for a change in execution arrangements and disbursement schedule: Ecuador (CAF)

21 July 2020|

26 06, 2020

Fast Track Accreditation of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) as a Multilateral Implementing Entity (MIE)

26 June 2020|

26 06, 2020

Approval of no cost extension of project completion date: Cambodia (UNEP)

26 June 2020|

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