Intersessional Decisions

14 12, 2020

Procedural steps for receiving contributions from sources alternative to government funding

14 December 2020|

9 12, 2020

Approval of Technical Assistance Grant: Mexico (IMTA)

9 December 2020|

9 12, 2020

Approval of Technical Assistance Grant: Côte d’Ivoire (FIRCA)

9 December 2020|

9 12, 2020

Approval of Technical Assistance Grant: Benin (FNEC)

9 December 2020|

7 12, 2020

Fast-Track Re-accreditation of the Department of Environment (DoE) of Antigua and Barbuda as a National Implementing Entity (NIE)

7 December 2020|

6 12, 2020

Legal Agreement Template for Learning Grant

6 December 2020|

3 12, 2020

Approval of Direct Project Services, SANBI (South Africa)

3 December 2020|

1 12, 2020

Fast-Track Accreditation of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) as a Multilateral Implementing Entity (MIE)

1 December 2020|

1 12, 2020

Fast-Track Re-accreditation of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) as a Multilateral Implementing Entity (MIE)

1 December 2020|

26 10, 2020

Receiving Contributions from Private Sources-Caps Outcome of Research Phase

26 October 2020|

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