Intersessional Decisions

23 02, 2022

Updated management response action plan – Mid-term review of the Medium-term strategy

23 February 2022|

8 02, 2022

Endorsement of COP26 catalyst call to action : transformational capacity building in support of the Paris Agreement

8 February 2022|

28 01, 2022

Extension of grace period for achieving re-accreditation: Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation (MoPIC) of Jordan

28 January 2022|

26 01, 2022

Fast-Track Re-accreditation of Centre de Suivi Ecologique, Senegal as a National Implementing Entity (NIE) of the Adaptation Fund

26 January 2022|

4 01, 2022

Fast-Track Re-accreditation of the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) as a Regional Implementing Entity (RIE)

4 January 2022|

9 12, 2021

Approval of request for change of project output: Indonesia (Kemitraan)

9 December 2021|

1 11, 2021

Report of the Adaptation Fund Board, Note by the Chair of the Adaptation Fund Board – Addendum

1 November 2021|

4 10, 2021

Management response to synthesis of Adaptation Fund final evaluations by the Technical Evaluation Reference Group of the Adaptation Fund

4 October 2021|

30 09, 2021

Fast-Track Re-accreditation of the Partnership for Governance Reform in Indonesia (Kemitraan) as a National Implementing Entity (NIE)

30 September 2021|

31 08, 2021

Organization of the thirty-seventh meeting of the Adaptation Fund Board

31 August 2021|

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