Board Documents

15 03, 2023

Update on strategic discussion on objectives and further steps of the Fund: potential linkages between the Fund and the Green Climate Fund

15 March 2023|

14 03, 2023

Report of the Thirty-Ninth Meeting of the Accreditation Panel

14 March 2023|

14 03, 2023

Decisions of CMP17, CMA4 and COP27 relating to the Adaptation Fund and the Relevant Matters to be Considered by the Adaptation Fund Board

14 March 2023|

13 03, 2023

Report on the Implementation of the Top-Level Management Statement (TLMS)

13 March 2023|

11 03, 2023

Diversification of meeting venues

11 March 2023|

11 03, 2023

Options for guidelines to further enhance civil society participation and engagement in the work of the Fund

11 March 2023|

9 03, 2023

Draft implementation plan for the Medium-Term Strategy of the Fund for the period 2023 to 2027

9 March 2023|

2 03, 2023

Request for provision of direct project services: WMO (Chile, Colombia, Peru)

2 March 2023|

24 01, 2023

Request for minor revisions to project implementation arrangements: BTFEC (Bhutan)

24 January 2023|

14 01, 2023

Request for revision of project disbursement schedule: UN-Habitat (Syrian Arab Republic)

14 January 2023|

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