Board Documents

29 01, 2010

Draft Invitation to Implementing Entities to Cooperate with the Adaptation Fund Board

29 January 2010|

29 01, 2010

Draft Roles and Responsibilities of the Implementing and Executing Entities

29 January 2010|

29 01, 2010

Draft Legal Arrangements between the Conference of the Parties Serving as the Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol and the IBRD (World Bank) Regarding the Services to be Provided by the Trustee for the Adaptation Fund

29 January 2010|

29 01, 2010

Draft Role and Responsibilities of the Trustee for the Adaptation Fund

29 January 2010|

29 01, 2010

Monetization of Certified Emission Reductions for the Adaptation Fund

29 January 2010|

29 01, 2010

Draft Provisional Operational Policies and Guidelines for Parties to Access Resources from the Adaptation Fund

29 January 2010|

29 01, 2010

Legal Status of the Adaptation Fund

29 January 2010|

29 01, 2010

Draft Legal Arrangements for the Adaptation Fund Secretariat

29 January 2010|

29 01, 2010

Draft 2008 Work Plan of the Adaptation Fund Board

29 January 2010|

29 01, 2010

Draft Rules of Procedure of the Adaptation Fund Board Meetings

29 January 2010|

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