Board Documents

4 10, 2019

Review of the Project and Programme Review Process

4 October 2019|

4 10, 2019

Report of the Portfolio Monitoring Mission in Rwanda

4 October 2019|

4 10, 2019

Report of the Portfolio Monitoring Mission in South Africa

4 October 2019|

4 10, 2019

Report of the Portfolio Monitoring Mission in Cambodia

4 October 2019|

4 10, 2019

Options to Further Enhance Civil Society Participation and Engagement in the Work of the Board

4 October 2019|

4 10, 2019

Options for Criteria for the Provision of Financial Resources between Single-country and Regional Concrete Adaptation Projects and Programmes

4 October 2019|

4 10, 2019

Adaptation Fund Board’s Consideration of its Rules of Procedure

4 October 2019|

3 10, 2019

Amendment of Institutional Arrangement (MOU) with the GEF for Secretariat Services to the Board

3 October 2019|

3 10, 2019

Trustee’s Cover Note on the Terms and Conditions of the Trustee Services to be Provided by the World Bank as Interim Trustee

3 October 2019|

3 10, 2019

The Draft Amendment of the Terms and Conditions of the Trustee Services to be Provided by the World Bank as Interim Trustee

3 October 2019|

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