Board Documents

24 03, 2022

Proposed Amendment of the Operational Policies and Guidelines for Parties to Access Resources from the Adaptation Fund (OPG)

24 March 2022|

24 03, 2022

Proposed Amendment of the Strategic Priorities, Policies, and Guidelines of the Adaptation Fund Adopted by the CMP (Annex 1 to the OPG)

24 March 2022|

24 03, 2022

Decisions of CMP16, CMA3 And COP26 Relating to the Adaptation Fund and the Relevant Matters to Be Considered by the Adaptation Fund Board

24 March 2022|

23 03, 2022

Elements and Options for the Fund’s Medium-Term Strategy 2023 – 2027

23 March 2022|

20 03, 2022

Options for a Policy or Guidelines to Further Enhance Civil Society Participation and Engagement in the Work of the Fund

20 March 2022|

17 03, 2022

Request for extension of project completion date: Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda (WMO)

17 March 2022|

17 03, 2022

Report of the Thirty-seventh Meeting of the Accreditation Panel

17 March 2022|

15 03, 2022

Provisional Agenda

15 March 2022|

23 02, 2022

A Study on Intersectional Approaches to Gender Mainstreaming in Adaptation-Relevant Interventions

23 February 2022|

7 02, 2022

Updated management response action plan – Mid-term review of the Medium-term strategy

7 February 2022|

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