Board Documents

8 10, 2022

Report of the Thirty-eitghth meeting of the Accreditation Panel

8 October 2022|

7 10, 2022

Report of the task force on the matters related to top-level management statement to be submitted by implementing entities for accreditation and re-accreditation

7 October 2022|

7 10, 2022

List of Observers

7 October 2022|

7 10, 2022

Update on the piloting of the use of indicators for innovation

7 October 2022|

6 10, 2022

Draft Resource Mobilization Strategy 2022-2025

6 October 2022|

5 10, 2022

Agenda of the civil society dialogue at the Thirty-ninth Meeting of the Adaptation Fund Board

5 October 2022|

4 10, 2022

Update on strategic discussion on objectives and further steps of the fund: potential linkages between the Fund and the Green Climate Fund

4 October 2022|

3 10, 2022

Proposed amendment of operational policies and guidelines for parties to access resources from the Adaptation Fund (OPG)

3 October 2022|

3 10, 2022

Proposed amendment of strategic priorities, policies, and guidelines of the Adaptation Fund adopted by the CMP (SPPG) (Annex I to the OPG)

3 October 2022|

3 10, 2022

Decisions of CMP16, CMA3 and COP26 relating to the Adaptation Fund and the relevant matters to be considered by the Adaptation Fund Board

3 October 2022|

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