Adaptation Fund Results at COP21
An historic Agreement to address climate change was adopted in Paris, France by 196 countries on Dec. 12 at the Conference of the Parties 21st Session to the UN Convention on Climate Change (COP21), recognizing an increased role for adaptation.
The Adaptation Fund was specifically referenced in the decision adopting the new Agreement. During COP21, the Fund also received new pledges totaling about US$75 million from Sweden, Germany, the Wallonia region of Belgium and first-time donor Italy.
The Fund further created and strengthened relationships with stakeholders by hosting COP21 activities such as a Side Event on Direct Access, a Contributor Dialogue, Multimedia Exhibit showcasing Projects in Action, and appearing at a High Level Segment, the Climate Change Studio, several global media outlets and bilateral meetings.
Paris Agreement
The language accompanying the new COP21 agreement included the following references to the Adaptation Fund (AF):
60. Recognizes that the Adaptation Fund may serve the Agreement, subject to relevant decisions by the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol and the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement;
61. Invites the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol to consider the issue referred to in paragraph 60 above and make a recommendation to the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement at its first session;
The operating entity of the AF, the Adaptation Fund Board (AFB), is established under the Conference of the Parties serving as meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP). Therefore, AF issues are currently considered by the CMP.
CMP Decision
Following adoption of the COP21 Agreement, CMP 11 decided:
8. Recommends that the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement, at its first session, consider that the Adaptation Fund may serve the Paris Agreement, in accordance with paragraphs 60 and 61 of decision -/CP.21;4
9. Invites the Conference of the Parties, at its twenty-second session (November 2016), to request the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Paris Agreement to undertake the necessary preparatory work concerning the issue referred to in paragraph 8 above and to forward a recommendation to the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol for its consideration and adoption no later than at its fifteenth session (November 2019);
This established a roadmap to make the AF one of the funds serving the Paris Agreement. Next steps will begin with consideration by COP22 in Morocco in November 2016 to request the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Paris Agreement to continue this process.
Report of Adaptation Fund Board
AFB Chair Hans Olav Ibrekk presented the AFB report to the CMP Plenary, and the CMP set up a contact group for discussing issues presented in the report. The resulting CMP decision cited above also requested the AFB to continue its efforts to simplify accreditation procedures for National Implementing Entities (NIEs), urged developed country Parties that responded to fundraising targets of the AFB but have not yet made financial contributions to do so at their earliest opportunity, noted with appreciation the efforts of the Adaptation Fund Board secretariat to organize workshops for NIEs, and requested the AFB to provide in its reports to the CMP further information on the status of projects at different stages of development.
Adaptation Fund at COP21
The 21st session of the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) will take place from November 30 to December 11, 2015, in Paris, France. The Adaptation Fund will be an active participant during COP 21, and is hosting a Side Event, Multimedia Exhibit and Contributor Dialogue in addition to speaking at a High Level Segment and participating in other related activities.
With 196 member nations, the UNFCCC seeks a binding, universal climate change agreement that stabilizes greenhouse gas emissions at levels that prevent dangerous human interference with the climate system while also helping countries adapt to extreme weather events, floods, droughts and sea rise that are already impacting vulnerable populations throughout the world. It is now recognized that adaptation is equally important as mitigation in addressing climate change but requires significant additional resources to meet a growing and urgent demand for climate adaptation projects.
The Adaptation Fund assists vulnerable communities in developing countries with more than 50 tangible climate adaptation and resilience projects. Since 2010, the Fund has committed US$331 million to support 54 countries.
Our Highlights at COP21
Multimedia Exhibit: The Adaptation Fund exhibit gives an introduction and updates of tangible Adaptation Fund projects under implementation all over the world. November 30 – December 11, 2015, Conference Center, Exhibit Area, Booth 010B (Adaptation Fund Board).
Side Event: The Adaptation Fund will bring together representatives from country-level National Implementing Entities (NIEs) to discuss their experiences with the Fund’s ‘Direct Access’ program, success stories and lessons learned. December 4, 2015, 1:15-2:45pm, Observer Room 3, Side Event Area, Conference Center.
UNFCCC Climate Change Studio Interviews: Adaptation Fund will partake in brief Climate Change Studio interviews for UNFCCC’s YouTube channel to speak of Adaptation Fund’s work and the importance of adaptation. Dec 3 and Dec 7, 1:00pm.
Contributor Dialogue: The event will discuss the role of the Adaptation Fund in Financing Climate Change Adaptation. The dialogue will be attended by representatives of contributor country delegations, as well as invited speakers from recipient countries and civil society organizations. December 8, 2015. Invitation only.
High Level Segment Speech: National statements by representatives of Parties to the UNFCCC and on behalf of groups of Parties. Adaptation Fund Board Chairman, Mr. Hans Olav Ibrekk will be speaking on behalf of the Adaptation Fund. December 8, 2015, 3:00-7:00pm.
Please see the complete program on the Agenda page.
Adaptation Fund’s Agenda at COP21
Agenda at a Glance
Read more about the Adaptation Fund events on the bottom of this page.
Date and time | Event | Location | Description | Links / Attachments |
Nov 30 – Dec 11 | Multimedia Exhibit | Booth 010B (Adaptation Fund Board), Exhibit Area, Conference Center, Paris – Le Bourget site | The Adaptation Fund Multimedia Exhibit gives an introduction and updates of tangible Adaptation Fund projects under implementation all over the world. | All Exhibits |
Dec 3 & Dec 7, 1:00pm | UNFCCC Climate Change Studio Interviews | Exhibits Area, Paris-Le Bourget site | Adaptation Fund will partake in brief Climate Change Studio interviews for UNFCCC’s YouTube channel to speak of Adaptation Fund’s work and the importance of adaptation, as well as the growing demand for projects in vulnerable countries where AF operates. | |
Dec 4, 1:15-2:45pm | Side Event: Direct Access Experiences | Observer Room 3, Side Event Area, Conference Center, Paris – Le Bourget site | The Adaptation Fund will bring together representatives from country-level National Implementing Entities (NIEs) to discuss their experiences with the Fund’s ‘Direct Access’ program, success stories and lessons learned.
Read more: Adaptation Fund COP21 Side Event Shows Value of Direct Access > |
Presentations: |
Dec 8 | Contributor Dialogue | Invitation only | The event will discuss the role of the Adaptation Fund in Financing Climate Change Adaptation. The dialogue will be attended by representatives of contributor country delegations, as well as invited speakers from recipient countries and civil society organizations. | |
Dec 8, 3:00-7:00pm | High-Level Segment Speech | National statements by representatives of Parties to the UNFCCC and on behalf of groups of Parties. The Adaptation Fund Board Chairman, Mr. Hans Olav Ibrekk will be speaking on behalf of the Adaptation Fund. | List of speakers |
Event descriptions
Multimedia Exhibit
November 30 – December 11, Booth 010B (Adaptation Fund Board), Exhibit Area, Conference Center, Paris – Le Bourget site
The Adaptation Fund Multimedia Exhibit gives an introduction and updates of tangible Adaptation Fund projects under implementation all over the world. The exhibit will feature a video of projects and results on the ground in Rwanda, Argentina, Djibouti, Honduras, Mauritius, Pakistan and South Africa representing the Fund’s range of sectors such as water management, sustainable agriculture, coastal zone management, food security and disaster risk reduction.
In addition, the Exhibit will depict a Photo Series of Adaptation Fund projects in Senegal, Djibouti, Mauritius, Honduras and Rwanda, as well as eco-friendly materials with the Adaptation Fund logo that will be available at the Exhibit booth. Booth 010B (Adaptation Fund Board) is located in the Exhibits Hall, across from the France 24 television studio.
See a list of all exhibits on the UNFCCC website.
UNFCCC Climate Change Studio Interviews
Thursday, December 3, 1:00pm and Monday, December 7, 1:00pm, Exhibit Area, Paris – Le Bourget site
Chair of Adaptation Fund Board Hans Olav Ibrekk (Dec 3, 1:00pm) and Manager of Adaptation Fund Board Secretariat Marcia Levaggi (Dec 7, 1:00pm) will partake in brief Climate Change Studio interviews for UNFCCC’s YouTube channel to speak of Adaptation Fund’s work and the importance of adaptation, as well as the growing demand for projects in vulnerable countries where AF operates. The UNFCCC’s Climate Change Studio invites participants of the COP 21/CMP 11 to share their views and impressions on climate change. The Climate Change Studio provides representatives of NGOs, IGOs, UN system and Parties the possibility to be interviewed briefly by a professional interviewer on actions, solutions, observations and issues that impact on climate change.
Side Event: Direct Access Experiences
Friday, December 4, 1:15-2:45pm, Observer Room 3, Side Event Area, Conference Center, Paris – Le Bourget site
The Adaptation Fund will bring together representatives from country-level National Implementing Entities (NIEs) to discuss their experiences with the Fund’s ‘Direct Access’ program, success stories and lessons learned from the process of becoming accredited as an implementing entity, as well as preparation of climate change adaptation project proposals and implementation of approved projects on the ground. A key theme of the event will be strengthening local capacity and learning through the flexible, innovative and localized approach of the projects, which produce tangible, effective results that are scalable.
Direct Access allows countries to access finance and design and implement projects directly through accredited NIEs. The Adaptation Fund pioneered fully operational direct access to climate financing. Through direct access, national and regional entities are able to directly access financing and manage all aspects of climate adaptation and resilience projects, from design through implementation to monitoring and evaluation. Read more about the Side Event and see presentations >
The presentations will be followed by a Q&A session and discussion.

Hans Olav Ibrekk is Policy Director in the Energy Section, Ministry of Foreign Affairs for Norway. He has worked for the Norwegian agency for Development Cooperation (Norad), the World Bank and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), and has been a member of the Adaptation Fund Board since 2007 and also served as chair in 2013 and 2015. He is also a member of the Executive Committee of the Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All) initiative and an alternate member of the Board of the Nordic Development Fund (NDF).

Costa Rican Minister of Agriculture and Livestock, Dr Cavallini is agricultural engineer and biologist, and graduate of the University of Costa Rica. He has a doctorate in Phytopathology from North Carolina State University. At the University of Costa Rica he has been professor, researcher and director of the School of Agronomy and the Institute of Agricultural Research, and is presently Dean of the Agro Sciences Faculty. He was part of the director’s board of the Costa Rican Agricultural Engineers Association and the Institute for Innovation and Transfer of Agricultural Technology of the Ministry of Agriculture. On several occasions, he has coordinated international agriculture cooperation programs.

Marianella Feoli is the Executive Director of Fundecooperacion for Sustainable Development, a Costa Rican NGO with multi-stakeholder representation dedicated to promote and finance sustainable development projects. Fundecooperacion is the accredited Costa Rican National Implementing Entity (NIE) for the Adaptation Fund with one approved project, and is also involved in NAMA coffee and other Climate Smart Agriculture projects. Ms. Feoli has worked as international consultant and trainer for the Inter-American Development Bank), UNIDO, Center for Technology Management, USAID, USEPA, GIZ, UNDP and IUCN. She is a Professor of Industrial Engineering at the University of Costa Rica.

Ms. Andon joined MCT in 2004 after nine years working at the Pohnpei State Government. She graduated from Grinnell College in 1992 and came to Pohnpei as a Peace Corps Volunteer the same year. She completed an MA in American Studies with a Graduate Certificate in Historic Preservation and concentrations in Pacific Islands Studies and Cultural Resource Management at the University of Hawaii, and is an alumna of the University of Berkeley’s Beahrs Environmental Leaders program.

Mr. Amalorpavanathan, currently Deputy Managing Director of NABARD, is a graduate in Agricultural Engineering and a Post Graduate in Management. He holds a Master’s in Development Management and is a Fellow in Engineering and Chartered Engineer with distinction in Banking. Hehas more than 31 years of varied experience in the areas of Finance and Banking. He was a Member of the Asia-Pacific Policy Forum and specializes in strategy management in rural development. Under his guidance, NABARD has obtained approval for five adaptation projects from AFB.

Mandy Barnett is the Director of Climate Change Adaptation at the South African National Biodiversity Institute. She has been the head of South Africa’s National Implementing Entity (NIE) to the Adaptation Fund since 2011 and is currently leading its process for Green Climate Fund accreditation. Since 2011, she has set up the South African NIE’s governance processes and led its project development processes, which have included the development of the Adaptation Fund’s first Enhanced Direct Access Project. She is passionate about unlocking institutional capacity and local and indigenous knowledge through participatory processes, and believes that this is best achieved through multi-sectoral and institutional partnerships that are championed locally.

Fazal Issa is working at ForumCC, a Civil Society network on climate change in Tanzania, which is a Partner of Adaptation Fund NGO Network and a Member of Pan-African Climate Justice Alliance. Prior to this post, he worked at United Nations Association of Tanzania for three years. At such young age, he has vast experience working with climate change adaptation project on-ground with communities and Civil Society. Also, he has been engaging at national, regional and international climate change processes and negotiations on adaptation and finance. He has Masters of Science from Mzumbe University and Bachelor degree on Political science from University of Dar es Salaam.
See a list of all side events on the UNFCCC website.
Contributor Dialogue
Tuesday, December 8. Invitation only.
The event will discuss the role of the Adaptation Fund in Financing Climate Change Adaptation. The dialogue will be attended by representatives of contributor country delegations, as well as invited speakers from recipient countries and civil society organizations. It will showcase the progress the Fund has made, and the importance of securing sustainable streams of climate adaptation finance. The Fund’s flexibility and efficient transparent process as well as lessons learned from direct access through national implementing entities to date will also be shared.
High-Level Segment Speech
December 8, 3:00-7:00pm
The scheduled high-level segment will have national statements by representatives of Parties to the UNFCCC and on behalf of groups of Parties on Monday 7 December, and Tuesday, 8 December 2015. Adaptation Fund Board Chairman, Mr. Hans Olav Ibrekk will be speaking on behalf of the Adaptation Fund. See the list of speakers.
Adaptation Fund Resources for COP21
Press Releases
- Dec 13, 2015: Adaptation Fund Moves Full Steam Ahead with Ambitious and Historic COP21 Climate Accord
- Dec 9, 2015: New Pledges for Adaptation Fund at COP21 Reach Nearly US$75 Million
- Dec 2, 2015: AFB Chair Reports on Fund’s Demand and Effectiveness at Paris Climate Conference
- Nov 30, 2015: Sweden Announces New 150 Million SEK Pledge to Adaptation Fund
- See all press releases
Adaptation Fund Materials
- Adaptation Fund Overview Infographic (pdf): English Français
- Direct Access flyer (pdf): English Français Español
- Mongolia Adaptation Story (pdf): English
- Senegal Adaptation Story (pdf): English Français Español
- Honduras Adaptation Story (pdf): English Français Español
- Georgia Adaptation Story (pdf): English Français Español
- Cook Islands Adaptation Story (pdf): English Français Español
- More adaptation stories
- Adaptation Fund on YouTube