How to Apply for Project Funding

1. Choose an Access Modality

Eligible parties seeking financial resources from the Adaptation Fund must submit their project and programme proposals directly through accredited National, Regional, or Multilateral Implementing Entities. If you represent an institution that is interested in becoming accredited, please visit Accreditation page.

2. Policies and Guidelines

Please begin the proposal submission process by getting familiar with the Operational Policies and Guidelines for Parties to Access Resources from the Adaptation Fund and its annexes.

3. The Proposal

Identify an adaptation or resilience challenge that could be addressed with support by the Adaptation Fund through a project or programme. The project or programme would need to be in accordance with priorities laid out in national strategies and plans or in Nationally Determined Contributions. Develop the proposal using the template “Request for Project/Programme Funding from Adaptation Fund” (see Project Proposal Materials). The Adaptation Fund Board requests that all proposals be written in English.

While developing the proposal, please pay attention to the criteria included in the Operational Policies and Guidelines and its annexes, including the need to consult with stakeholders of the planned project or programme and to take into account environmental and social risks and gender considerations. Proposals can be submitted either using a 1-step process, directly as fully developed project/programme documents, or a 2-step process, when first a concept is submitted and following it, a fully developed proposal. Specific requirements apply to regional projects and programmes within the pilot programme for such activities.

4. Endorsement

Proposals require endorsement by the Designated Authorities of the country in which the project or programme would take place.

5. To Submit the Project Proposal

The Adaptation Fund Board accepts and considers regular project and programme proposals on a rolling basis.

Kindly e-mail your proposal submissions to the Adaptation Fund Board secretariat through the following email addresses: . To ensure timely processing of the submission, it is advised to copy secretariat staff based on the type of proposal as indicated in the table below. Parties can request clarification from the secretariat of the Adaptation Fund Board on matters related to submissions: +1 202 473-5943 (phone), +1 202 522-3240 (fax) as well as through the emails provided below.

For questions or to cc on a submission: Single country and Regional projects (main windows), Locally-led adaptation Ms. Saliha Dobardzic –

Ms. Neranda Maurice George –

Ms. Alyssa Gomes –

Ms. Estefanía Jiménez –

For questions or to cc on a submission: Innovation (Large Projects and Small Grants)


Ms. Saliha Dobardzic –

Ms. Alyssa Gomes –

Mr. Naoki Uozawa –

For questions or to cc on a submission:  Learning grants Ms. Cristina Dengel –

Ms. Kalterine Vrenezi –

For questions or to cc on a submission:  Project scale-up grants


Mr. Farayi Madziwa –

Ms. Saliha Dobardzic –

Submission of LOEs* and DA nominations

*Please note that LOEs should also be submitted with every proposal submission and re-submission.

Adaptation Fund Board Secretariat –

Proposal Submissions –

Ms. Sophie Hans Moevi –

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6. Optional External Support Available for Concept and Project Design

The Adaptation Fund is partnering with the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) which is the operative arm of the UNFCCC Technology Mechanism. Countries seeking project financing from the Adaptation Fund can request complimentary technical assistance through the CTCN to address specific challenges (from technology barriers to deployment of adaptation technology solutions), and thereby strengthen design of their project concepts and proposals submitted to the Adaptation Fund. Requests for technical assistance through the CTCN can support early stage feasibility assessments for deployment of specific adaptation technologies, market studies, recommendations for regulatory reform, and other technical analysis that can help strengthen project design. Requests for technical assistance through the CTCN must be approved by the relevant National Designated Entity (NDE) to the UNFCCC Technology Mechanism.

Please see here for further information or contact