
The Medium-term strategy of the Fund 2023–2027 (MTS 2 ) builds on the achievements from the implementation of the first MTS 2018-2022 with the aim to continue the strategic focus on financing adaptation action, innovation and learning and sharing, while increasing the ambition under each of these strategic pillars, strengthening the linkage and synergies between them, and further introducing a strategic emphasis on promoting locally led adaptation.

The option to combine resources and access funding via single submission template holds significant potential for streamlining procedures. The learning/innovation bundling approach enables countries to plan and implement projects more holistically, aligning closely with their National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) and Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). By simplifying the application process, countries can more efficiently allocate resources to critical areas of innovation and learning, ultimately enhancing their resilience to climate change impacts and supporting broader developmental goals.

Innovation/Learning Bundling Process

Once an NIE determines there is a specific need to bundle innovation and learning funds, they may decide to combine resources under the different funding windows for learning and innovation, and access funding via a single submission. This process involves several key steps and considerations.

The NIE may submit a single proposal using the updated application form for small innovation grants (see below) which includes additional criteria for learning under Part II.E Project Justification. A detailed description of how learning in innovation will be generated and captured, and how this will ultimately contribute to increased climate resilience in country should be included.

The bundled proposal should not be more than US$ 750,000 which represents the combined maximum amounts of the learning (US$ 500,000) and small innovation grants (US$ 250,000), available to NIEs only.

The NIEs retain the flexibility to apply for each funding window individually in cases where the complementarity of the two grants is not immediately evident. In such cases, the existing application forms for the individual grants available on the Fund website should be used.

Eligibility Criteria

NIEs applying through the funding window for learning and innovation must meet the criteria below:

(i) Must be an accredited national implementing entity of the Adaptation Fund and have an accreditation status of “Accredited”.

(ii) Must submit together with the application form, a letter of endorsement by the Designated Authority to the Adaptation fund in support of the innovation/learning grant application.

Apply for Innovation-Learning small grants funding

To apply for an innovation-learning small grant, please find below the application form, letter of endorsement template, and guidelines on how to apply for the small grant. The small grant application form must be submitted together with a signed letter of endorsement by the Designated Authority (DA) to the Adaptation Fund.

The Adaptation Fund Board accepts and considers project proposals for Small Grants on a rolling basis. The proposals are considered at the regular meetings of the Board. The next submission deadline can be found under Apply for Funding and on the calendar on this website.

Applications should be sent to: submissions@adaptation-fund.org and carbon copy to cdengel@adaptation-fund.org and agomes3@adaptation-fund.org. Please see the list of attachments at the bottom of the page for the application form and the DA endorsement letter template.

To apply for each funding window separately, please visit respective grant pages for more information on the criteria and eligibility.


Attachment Language
Innovation and learning bundled proposal template English
Instructions for preparing Innovation and Learning bundled proposal English
Bundling paper English