– NIE Small Grants for Innovation

Total amount (US$): 

CountryTitleImplementing EntityApproved AmountApproved DateStatus
IndonesiaTowards Climate and Economic Resilience: Development Sustainable Adaptation-based of Coffee Village and Tourism Village through Co-production Social ForestryPartnership for Governance Reform (Kemitraan) of Indonesia250,00003/24/2023Grant submitted - NIE Small Grants for InnovationProposal Approved
SenegalDjigui Niokolo: Developing Agro-Sylvo-Pastoral Models for Sustainable Agriculture and Environmental PreservationCentre de Suivi Ecologique244,45910/11/2024Grant submitted - NIE Small Grants for InnovationProposal Approved
IndonesiaDeveloping “Climate Smart Community” System to Increase Climate Resilience for Saddang Watershed CommunitiesPartnership for Governance Reform (Kemitraan) of Indonesia250,00003/24/2023Grant submitted - NIE Small Grants for InnovationProject Under Implementation
UgandaEnhancing Resilience to Climate-induced Flooding and Drought through the Deployment of a Water-filled BarrierMinistry of Water and Environment of Uganda250,00004/08/2022Proposal Approved
BhutanBuilding Adaptive Capacity through Innovative Management of Pests/Disease and Invasive Alien Species (IAS) in Bhutan to Enhance Sustainable Agro-Biodiversity and LivelihoodsBhutan Trust Fund for Environmental Conservation250,00010/21/2021Project Under Implementation
Dominican RepublicStrengthening of a Replicable Micro Ecosystem of Accelerated Technological Innovation for Adaptation and Mitigation to Climate Change in Dominican Republic through the Development of a Pilot Thermo Solar Desalination Appropriate TechnologyDominican Institute of Integral Development of Dominican Republic249,92909/23/2020Proposal Approved
ChileWater Security: Improving Water Access during Emergency Situations in San Antonio Province, Region ValparaísoAgencia de Cooperación Internacional de Chile230,00010/11/2019Project Under Implementation
ArmeniaEngaging Future Leaders: Digital Education Module on Adaptation Challenges and Best Practices for YouthEnvironmental Project Implementation Unit231,25010/11/2019Project Under Implementation
Antigua and BarbudaInnovative Technologies for Improved Water Availability to Increase Food Security in Antigua and BarbudaDepartment of Environment Ministry of Health and the Environment (ABED)250,00012/23/2020Proposal Approved

– Adaptation Fund Climate Innovation Accelerator (AFCIA)

Total amount (US$): 

CountryTitleImplementing EntityApproved AmountApproved DateStatus
RegionalCoordination Services for the Special Financing Window in Support of Innovation for Adaptation (AFCIA): Phase IIUN Environment Programme2,707,22210/11/2024Grant approved - Adaptation Fund Climate Innovation Accelerator (AFCIA)Proposal Approved
RegionalAdaptation Fund Climate Innovation Accelerator IIUN Environment Programme10,000,00004/19/2024Grant submitted - Adaptation Fund Climate Innovation Accelerator (AFCIA)Proposal Approved
RegionalThe Adaptation SMEs Innovation Facility (ASIF)United Nations Industrial Development Organization10,000,00010/13/2023Innovation grant submittedProposal Approved
RegionalClimate Adaptation Innovation Accelerator Programme (CAIAP)UN World Food Programme10,000,00010/13/2023Grant approved - Adaptation Fund Climate Innovation Accelerator (AFCIA)Proposal Approved
RegionalAdaptation Fund- UN Environment Special Financing Window in Support of Innovation for AdaptationUN Environment Programme5,000,00010/11/2019Project Under Implementation
RegionalAdaptation Fund-UNDP Innovation Small Grant Aggregator Platform (ISGAP)UN Development Programme5,000,00010/11/2019Project Under Implementation

– Large Innovation Projects

Total amount (US$): 

CountryTitleImplementing EntityApproved AmountApproved DateStatus
Viet NamInnovative Financial Incentives for Adaptation in Wetland Livelihoods (IFIA)International Fund Agricultural Dev5,000,00003/24/2023Proposal Approved
BhutanInnovative Adaptation Financing to Build the Resilience and Adaptive Capacity of Smallholder Farmers in Bhutan (InAF-Bhutan)UN World Food Programme4,983,73604/19/2024Proposal Approved
BangladeshAccess to Safe Drinking Water for the Climate Vulnerable People in Coastal Areas of BangladeshPalli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF) of Bangladesh5,000,00010/11/2024Grant approved - Large Grants for InnovationProposal Approved