Local fishermen in Huacho, Peru (Photos/Profonanpe)

Adaptation Fund Project Story: Reducing Vulnerability of Artisanal Fishing Families in Peru

Artisanal fishers in vulnerable coastal areas of Peru are striving to adapt to warming waters and rising seas, as well as potential changes to currents and species migrations due to climate change and overfishing offshore.

Due to its nutrient-rich waters, Peru has one of the most productive fisheries in the world. A large portion of the sector is composed of local artisanal fishermen, a majority of who live in poverty despite providing the main source of food for many coastal residents. But change is happening.

Through an innovative project funded by the Adaptation Fund and implemented by the Peruvian Trust Fund for National Parks and Protected Areas (Profonanpe environmental fund of Peru) and the Peruvian government (Ocean Institute and Ministry of Production), small fishing communities on the northern and southern coasts are building resilience to climate threats by adopting sustainable fishing practices, diversifying livelihoods, enhancing food security and seafood quality while restoring the natural marine ecosystems that they depend on — and raising their incomes in the process.

The US$ 7 million Direct Access project, which began in May 2018, focuses on directly reducing the vulnerabilities of 500 fishers in the coves of Máncora in the north, and 200 in the coves of Huacho in the south. Thousands more will benefit indirectly.

Read the full story here.



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