Since the carbon markets declined significantly in 2011-12, the Fund has relied on voluntary contributions from national and subnational governments as its main funding source. Since the Fund began formally serving the Paris Agreement in 2019, Parties have increasingly recognized its important role of channeling urgently needed and effective adaptation finance to developing countries. Since then, the number of contributors has increased over the years to a total of 30 contributors.

For an overview of AF contributions to date, please visit the World Bank Financial Intermediary Funds website.

Contributor Governments of the Adaptation Fund

The Adaptation Fund organizes annual Contributor Dialogues in conjunction with the UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (COPs) as high-level pledging events for contributor and recipient governments to voice their support for the Fund.

  • The 2024 Adaptation Fund Contributor Dialogue is set to take place during the COP29 Climate Change Conference in November 2024 in Baku, Azerbaijan.

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