Adaptation Fund Board Rules of Procedure>>
Who is on the Board?
The Board is the governing body of the Adaptation Fund. It is composed of 16 members and 16 alternates representing Parties to the Kyoto Protocol. A majority of members–about 69 percent–represent developing countries:
(a) Two representatives from each of the five United Nations regional groups;
(b) One representative of the small island developing States;
(c) One representative of the least developed country Parties;
(d) Two other representatives from the Parties included in Annex I to the Convention
(Annex I Parties);
(e) Two other representatives from the Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention
(non-Annex I Parties).
An alternate is elected for each representative.
Is there a term limit for Board members and alternates?
Yes, the members and alternates shall each serve for a term of two calendar years and shall be eligible to serve a maximum of two consecutive terms. The terms as members do not count towards the terms as alternate members and vice-versa (1/CMP.4).
When and where does the Adaptation Fund Board meet?
The Adaptation Fund Board meets at least twice a year. The meetings generally take place usually in Bonn, Germany unless the Board decides to convene in conjunction with meetings of the parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP) or the subsidiary bodies of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.
- Code of Conduct (12 KB, PDF)
- Zero Tolerance Policy for the Board (22 KB, PDF)
- Please see Events calendar for upcoming Board meetings
Board Members
Africa Ms. Patience Damptey Ghana |
Africa Mr. Washington Zhakata Zimbabwe |
Asia-Pacific Mr. Doik Kim Korea (Republic of) |
Asia-Pacific Mr. Abdulaziz Albutti Saudi-Arabia |
Eastern Europe VACANT |
Eastern Europe VACANT |
Latin America/Caribbean Mr. Kenrick W. Williams Belize |
Latin America/Caribbean Ms. Daniela I. Buchuk Gomez Chile |
Western European and Others Mr. Kevin Adams USA |
Western European and Others Ms. Nina Alsen Germany (Vice-Chair) |
Small Island Developing States Ms. Diann C. Black-Layne Antigua & Barbuda |
Least Developed Countries Mr. Naresh Sharma Nepal |
Annex I Parties VACANT |
Annex I Parties VACANT |
Non-Annex I Parties VACANT |
Non-Annex I Parties Mr. Lucas di Pietro Argentina (Chair) |
Board Alternates
Africa Ms. Fatou Ndeye Gaye The Gambia |
Africa Ms. Naima Oumoussa Morocco |
Asia-Pacific Ms. Akram Mirzakhani Iran (Islamic Rep. of) |
Asia-Pacific Mr. Ahmed Waheed Maldives |
Eastern Europe VACANT |
Eastern Europe VACANT |
Latin America/Caribbean Ms. Mariana Kasprzyk Uruguay |
Latin America/Caribbean Mr. Victor Vinas Dominican Republic |
Western European and Others Ms. Frida Jangsten Sweden |
Western European and Others Ms. Sylviane Bilgischer Belgium |
Small Island Developing States Mr. Mani Mate Cook Islands |
Least Developed Countries Mr. Patrick Owere Uganda |
Annex I Parties VACANT |
Annex I Parties VACANT |
Non-Annex I Parties Ms. Choikhand Janchivlamdan Mongolia |
Non-Annex I Parties Mr. Ahmadou Sebory Touré Guinea |
The Committees consist of Board members and alternates. Please view the General Guidelines for Adaptation Fund Board Committees (183 KB, PDF).
Project and Programme Review Committee (PPRC)
Project and Programme Review Committee (PPRC) – Terms of Reference (93 KB, PDF)
Name | Country | Constituency |
Ms. Patience Damptey | Ghana | Africa |
Ms. Fatou Ndeye Gaye | The Gambia | Africa |
Mr. Abdulaziz Albutti | Saudi Arabia | Asia-Pacific |
Mr. Ahmed Waheed | Maldives | Asia-Pacific |
Ms. Daniela Isabel Buchuk Gomez | Chile | Latin America and the Caribbean |
Mr. Victor Viñas | Dominican Republic | Latin America and the Caribbean |
VACANT | Eastern Europe | |
VACANT | Eastern Europe | |
Ms. Nina Alsen | Germany | Western European & Others Group |
Ms. Sylviane Bilgischer (Vice-Chair) | Belgium | Western European & Others Group |
Mr. Patrick Owere | Uganda | LDCs |
Mr. Mani Mate | Cook Islands | SIDS |
VACANT | Annex I Parties | |
VACANT | Annex I Parties | |
Mr. Ahmadou S. Toure (Chair) | Guinea | Non-Annex I Parties |
Mr. Lucas di Pietro | Argentina | Non-Annex I Parties |
Ethics and Finance Committee (EFC)
Ethics and Finance Committee (EFC) – Terms of Reference (95 KB, PDF)
Name | Country | Constituency |
Mr. Washington Zhakata | Zimbabwe | Africa |
Ms. Naima Oumoussa | Morocco | Africa |
Mr. Do Ik Kim | Korea (Republic of) | Asia-Pacific |
Ms. Akram Mirzakhani | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Asia-Pacific |
VACANT | Eastern Europe | |
VACANT | Eastern Europe | |
Mr. Kenrick Williams | Belize | Latin America and the Caribbean |
Mr. Mariana Kasprzyk | Uruguay | Latin America and the Caribbean |
Mr. Kevin Adams | USA | Western European & Others Group |
Ms. Frida Jangsten (Chair) | Sweden | Western European & Others Group |
Ms. Diann C. Black-Layne | Antigua & Barbuda | SIDS |
Mr. Naresh Sharma | Nepal | LDCs |
VACANT | Annex I Parties | |
VACANT | Annex I Parties | |
Ms. Janchivlamdan Choikhand | Mongolia | Non-Annex I Parties |
VACANT | Non-Annex I Parties |