The mid-term review (MTR) of the Fund’s Medium-Term Strategy (MTS) is a core work element of the FY21-FY23 strategy and work programme of the AF-TERG. The mid-term review aims to track implementation of the Medium-Term Strategy, identifying progress and suggesting course correction as needed.

The mid-term review is the first step in the process to evaluate the Medium-Term Strategy of the Fund, to be carried out in fiscal year 2023 (FY23) after completion of the five-year strategy period. It is also a crucial input into the Overall Evaluation of the Fund planned for FY23 and provides feedback to the development of any future Medium-Term Strategy developed by the Board.


Mid-term Review of the Medium-term Strategy of the Adaptation Fund

The mid-term review of the Medium-term Strategy of the Adaptation Fund was presented at the twenty-eight meeting of the Ethics and Finance Committee in October 2021 (Document AFB/EFC.28/7). The MTR assesses progress in MTS implementation (as defined through the ambition of the MTS and the targets set in the implementation plan) and provides lessons and recommendations on how the Fund could step up. The final report provides six recommendations regarding the completion of the current MTS and the development and implementation of the next one. The AF-TERG validated the MTR through consultations with Adaptation Fund key stakeholders throughout the process.

The management response can be accessed here.



Emerging Findings and Areas for Discussion

An information document (AFB/EFC.27/Inf.2) was presented to the twenty-seventh Ethics and Finance Committee meeting in March 2021, to discuss emerging findings and areas for discussion.

The information document answers the following three questions:

  1. Does the Adaptation Fund have a ‘good’ fit for purpose strategy?
  2. Is the Strategy effectively used to guide governance, management, and other funding decisions that lever impact for the Fund?
  3. Does the Implementation Plan / process for the Strategy enable its ambition and potential?


Inception Report of the Mid-term Review

The mid-term review’s inception report is informed by a literature review, preliminary document analysis, analysis by the AF-TERG and introductory interviews with secretariat staff, experts in the field of organizational strategy and pioneers in the strategy field. The report aims to establish the key questions, methods, information sources, timeline, and constraints for the mid-term review.

The inception report will guide the direction of travel and enquiry for the mid-term review. It is not intended to be a final product, but instead a working document for the team and a reference for key stakeholders.