The overall objective of this project is to build resilience of Southern Egypt farming communities in the face of climate change and variability risks to food security. The project will, in line with the results of the Adaptation Fund (as highlighted in section III F below), help vulnerable communities to increase their adaptive capacity by promoting solutions to 1) increase productivity of their staple crops such as wheat and maize; 2) diversify their production through intercropping, animal and fish production and agro-processing; 3) increase production through protected agriculture; 4) support the management of their water resources through low-cost water saving techniques and 5) loss reduction in extreme weather events through early warning. The project will also build institutional capacities of the diversified stakeholders engaged in climate resilience building to upscale and sustain the different solutions introduced by the project.

Project Component 1: Enhancing Resilience of Southern Egypt Communities USD 2,485,600
Project Component 2: Institutional capacity building for replication USD 120,000
Project Execution Cost USD 246,900
Total Project Cost USD 2,852,500
Implementing Entity Project Cycle Management Fee USD 242,462
Grant Amount USD  3,093,962


Project Documents

Attachment Type Size
Project document PDF 3 MB
Inception Report PDF 521 KB
PPR1 (for web) XLSX
PPR2 (for web) PDF 97 KB