Adaptation Fund Side Event
Adaptation Fund: Innovative, effective replicable and scalable adaptation interventions
Thursday, December 6, 2018
1:15 pm – 2:45 pm
Beszczady Room, Side Event Room 1 (Space 2), Area G
The Adaptation Fund (AF) is one of the only funds focused on delivering concrete, tailored adaptation projects for the most vulnerable countries to climate change. Its country-led projects are tailored to local needs and are often the first adaptation projects on the ground in many vulnerable places throughout the world. AF will discuss its groundbreaking concrete adaptation work for the most vulnerable and the valuable models it produces that can lead to wider change. New learning and project scale-up grants designed to accelerate AF’s work and knowledge will also be discussed, as well as forthcoming innovation grants. AF’s contributions and value to serving the Paris Agreement will be highlighted.
Speakers: AF leadership, AF implementing partners, governments and CSOs will discuss examples of innovative and effective AF projects on the ground, and the knowledge and experience they produced that led to replicating or scaling up these effective AF projects and adaptation measures.
Ms. Saliha Dobardzic, Senior Climate Change Specialist, Adaptation Fund Board Secretariat
Mr. Victor Viñas, Chair, Adaptation Fund Board, Opening Remarks
Mr. Viñas provides an overview and update of the Fund’s work, including
newly launched knowledge and scale-up grants, and forthcoming innovation grants
Mr. Mikko Ollikainen, Manager, Adaptation Fund Board Secretariat
Mr. Ollikainen provides an overview of the Fund’s Medium-Term Strategy and progress to date
AF Implementing Partners Present Examples of Effective Projects & Scalable Models
- Mr. Stephen Gold, Head of Climate Change, Bureau for Programme and Policy Support, UNDP (Presentation)
- Ms. Jessica Troni, Head, Climate Change Adaptation Unit, UN Environment Programme (Presentation 1 / Presentation 2 /Presentation 3)
AF National Implementing Entities Present Innovative, Effective Direct Access Project Models
- Ms. Lia Nicholson, Antigua and Barbuda, Department of Environment (Presentation)
- Ms. Meryem Andaloussi, Morocco, Agricultural Development Agency (Presentation)
Civil Society Perspective and Role in AF Projects
- Ms. Julia Grimm, Adaptation Fund NGO Network/Germanwatch