Climate change has intensified coral bleaching events and mortality in Mauritius and Seychelles over recent decades. Climate change projections predict that global coral bleaching events will increase in frequency and intensity. To reduce the adverse impact of climate change on local communities and coral reef-dependent economic sectors in Mauritius and Seychelles, the project will increase climate resilience at both regional and local levels by implementing coral reef restoration with thermal tolerant corals as adaptation to climate change.

The three specific objectives of the project are :

  1. Enhancement of food security and reduction of risks from natural disasters through the restoration of degraded reefs in Mauritius
  2. Enhancement of food security and reduction of risks from natural disasters through the restoration of degraded reefs in Seychelles
  3. Training to build capacity for sustainable coral reef restoration

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Project Component 1: Enhancement of food security and reduction of risks from natural disasters through the restoration of degraded reefs in Mauritius US$ 2,500,000
Project Component 2: Enhancement of food security and reduction of risks from natural disasters through the restoration of degraded reefs in Seychelles US$ 2,500,000
Project Component 3: Training to build capacity for sustainable coral reef restoration US$ 3,264,633
Project Execution Cost US$ 867,787
Total Project Cost US$ 9,132,420
Implementing Entity Project Cycle Management Fee US$ 867,580
Grant Amount US$ 10,000,000


Project Documents

Attachment Type Size
Project pre-concept PDF 88 KB
Project concept PDF 1 MB
PPR1 (for web) XLSX 234 KB
Project document PDF 2 MB
PPR3 (for web) PDF 158 KB