Adaptation Fund Launches Calls for Grants under the Climate Finance Readiness Programme
July 26, 2017 – The Adaptation Fund has launched calls for several small grants under the Readiness Programme for Climate Finance. The Readiness grants are available for the Fund’s accredited National Implementing Entities (NIEs) to strengthen their overall capacity, particularly in the areas of environmental and social risk assessment and management and gender mainstreaming, as well as for providing peer support to countries seeking accreditation with the Fund.
The 2017 call for grants includes the following Readiness grants:
Technical Assistance (TA) grants are aimed at supporting NIEs with the assessment and management of environmental and social risks and gender mainstreaming.
- Call for TA Grants – ESP and Gender Policy
- Call for TA Grants – Gender Policy
- Read more about TA Grants
Project Formulation Assistance (PFA) grant is meant to help NIEs undertake specific technical assessments such as environmental impact assessments and vulnerability assessments at the project preparation stage by tapping into external expertise in the form of short-term consultant assignments.
South-South Cooperation grant is aimed at supporting developing countries that are Parties to the Kyoto Protocol and that do not yet have an accredited NIE. With the help of this grant, they may receive peer support from an accredited NIE during the accreditation process.
The deadline for the grant applications is September 28, 2017 except for the PFA grants which can be applied for throughout the year. Further details on eligibility and criteria for all the grants are provided here.
About the Readiness Programme
The Readiness grants are part of the Adaptation Fund Readiness Programme for Climate Finance which aims to increase the preparedness of applicant National Implementing Entities seeking accreditation by the Adaptation Fund, and to increase the number of high quality project/programme proposals submitted to the Board. The Readiness programme, in particular aims to advance direct access in developing countries and thus promotes the accreditation of National Implementing Entities from developing countries that are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change.