In Niger, the country’s agricultural production is faced with the adverse impacts of climate change due to insufficient water availability. The weather variability and climate change have a direct impact on food security, especially in rural areas. On other hand, in areas where water is available, there are difficulties in pumping and accessing the water.

This project aims to provide a sustainable solution to the issue of low agricultural production and food insecurity. The project is a pilot project aiming to strengthen the resilience of populations and to prevent so called “maladaptation.” It targets the problem of expenses related to fetching water together with the management of water resources. In addition, the project will seek synergy with other ongoing projects in the country and benefit from their approaches.

The main objective is to strengthen the resilience of agriculture to climate change to support food security in Niger, through the promotion of modern irrigation techniques. The project focuses directly on about 200 pilots farmers groups under small-scale irrigation.

Specific objectives are:

  1. Strengthen the capacity of stakeholders on resilient irrigation systems to climate change and disseminate lessons learned during the project execution;
  2. Support the development of efficient technologies for sustainable management of water resources, conserve soil of irrigated areas and reduce energy costs associated with pumping of irrigation water;
  3. Support the diversification of livelihoods to improve the incomes of farmers.

The project will be financed by the Adaptation Fund, BOAD, and the Government of Niger. Please see the financing plan in the attached project proposal. The adaptation measures in this project concern the responses to the water economy and the means that allow access to water regardless of climate disorders.  The resources of the Adaptation Fund are more oriented towards the acquisition of water-saving equipment while those of BOAD will be used to purchase equipment to facilitate water drawing.

Component 1: Enhancing stakeholders’ technical and institutional capacities and dissemination of lessons learned during the project execution US$ 731,000
Component 2: Conformation and development of irrigated areas US$ 7,404,000
Component 3: Support for the diversification of livelihoods and improvement the of farmers’ incomes US$ 248,000
Total Project Cost US$ 8,383,000
Execution cost US$ 760,000
Implementing Entity Project Cycle Management Fee US$ 768,000
Adaptation Fund Grant Amount US$ 9,911,000


Project Documents

Attachment Type Size
Project document PDF 4 MB
Inception Report PDF 405 KB
PPR1 (for web) XLS 458 KB
PPR2 (for web) XLS 485 KB